Ave Regina Coelorum: Musiche per la Beata Vergine Maria nel XVIIésimo secolo italiano



Friday 22 September at 7pm

Concerto Soave:

Maria Cristina Kiehr, soprano

Jean-Marc Aymes, organ



This program presents the whole range of emotions of Virgin Mary’s life reflected n the Italian music of the XVII century. Sentiments of joy and pain, deeply embedded in Her existence, inspired some of the most important pieces of art through the ages. Composers of all times created sacred music based on texts praising the Blessed Mary and describing her burden. But in Italian early baroque these motives found a special match, because words started being treated using a whole new sphere of dissonances and consonances, amplifying the intensity of emotions, which in this programme are crowned by the emblematic Giovanni Felice Sances’ piece Stabat Mater.






Adriano Banchieri (1568–1634)/ Girolamo Cavazzoni, Magnificat Primo Tono in Risposta

Terzo Libro di nuovi pensieri Ecclesiastici. Bologna, 1613

Intavolatura...Libro Primo. Venezia, 1543



Francesco Passarini (1636–1694) Alma Redemptoris Mater

Antifone della Beata Vergine. Bologna, 1671



Gianpietro Del Buono (the first part of XVII c.) Sonata I sopra Ave Maris Stella

Canoni, oblighi sopra l'Ave Maris Stella...Palermo, 1641



Bonifazio Graziani (1604/5–1664) Regina Coeli / Dangaus Karalienė

Il Terzo Libro di Motetti. Roma, 1641



Canoro Pianto di Maria Vergine sopra la faccia di Christo estinto, Venezia, 1613

Sopra la Bocca – Amadio Fredi

Sopra i Capelli Stefano Bernardio

Sopra gli Occhi – Luc'Antonio Gasparini

Sopra le Guancie – Vido Rovetto

Sopra i Capelli - Bartholomeo Pesarino



Francesca Caccini (1587–1640) Chi è costei

Primo Libro delle Musiche. Firenze, 1618



Tarquinio Merula (1594–1665) Capriccio cromático

Manoscritto, Berlin, Staatsbibliothek



Giovanni Felice Sances (apie 1600/24–1679) Stabat Mater dolorosa

Motetti a voce sola. Venezia, 1643



Concerto Soave CV